Does 20 bar pressure beat 15 bar in espresso machines?

Espresso Pressure: Does 20 Bar Beat 15 Bar?

Espresso lovers know that pressure plays a crucial role in crafting the perfect shot. The debate between 20 bar and 15 bar espresso machines is a hot topic among coffee enthusiasts. Does higher pressure mean better espresso, or is it just a marketing gimmick? In this article, we’ll dive into the science of espresso pressure, exploring how 20 bar vs 15 bar espresso machine stack up against each other and what it means for your morning brew.

The right pressure is essential for extracting the rich flavors and crema that make espresso so delightful. We’ll break down the technicalities, benefits, and potential drawbacks of each machine to help you decide which one suits your coffee needs best. Whether you’re a seasoned barista or a home brewer, understanding the difference between 15 bar and 20 bar espresso machines can elevate your coffee game.

Understanding Espresso Pressure

Espresso pressure is the force exerted by the espresso machine to push hot water through finely-ground coffee. Measured in bars, this pressure is crucial for extracting the rich flavors and oils from the coffee grounds, creating the beloved espresso shot. But what exactly is pressure in the context of espresso, and how does it work?

In an espresso machine, pressure is generated by a pump that forces water through the coffee grounds at high speed. This pressure helps extract the coffee’s soluble compounds, which include aromatic oils, acids, and sugars, creating a balanced and flavorful shot. The standard pressure for espresso extraction is around 9 bars, but many modern machines offer higher pressures, such as 15 bar and 20 bar, to provide more options for brewing.

High pressure is essential because it ensures that the water can penetrate the coffee grounds evenly, extracting the right amount of flavors without over-extracting or under-extracting. This balance is key to achieving a perfect shot with a rich crema, full body, and well-rounded taste. Whether you’re using a 15 bar or 20 bar espresso machine, understanding how pressure affects your brew can help you make an informed choice and improve your espresso-making skills.

Understanding Espresso Pressure
Credits to Home Grounds

The Case for 15 Bar Machines

15 bar espresso machines are the most common type found in both commercial and home settings. But what makes these machines so popular, and how do they operate?

A 15 bar machine uses a pump to generate 15 bars of pressure, which is more than sufficient for brewing excellent espresso. The actual brewing pressure typically hovers around 9 bars, as some pressure is lost when the water passes through the coffee grounds and filter. This optimal pressure range ensures a balanced extraction, resulting in a rich, flavorful espresso shot with a smooth crema.

The Case for 15 Bar Machines
Credits to Green Plantation

One reason for the widespread use of 15 bar machines is their reliability and consistency. These machines are designed to provide the right amount of pressure for extracting the best flavors from the coffee grounds. The balance of pressure ensures that the espresso is neither over-extracted, which can lead to bitterness, nor under-extracted, which can cause a weak, sour taste.

Moreover, 15 bar machines are generally more affordable and accessible than their 20 bar counterparts, making them a popular choice for both professional baristas and home enthusiasts. The quality of espresso produced by these machines is more than satisfactory for most users, delivering a well-rounded shot with the rich aromas and flavors that define a great espresso.

Does 20 bar pressure outperform 15 bar in espresso machines?
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Benefits of 15 Bar Pressure

Using a 15 bar espresso machine comes with several advantages, especially in terms of coffee extraction, flavor, and crema production. Let’s break down the benefits that make 15 bar pressure a popular choice among espresso enthusiasts.

  1. Optimal Extraction: A 15 bar machine provides the ideal pressure for extracting coffee’s rich flavors and aromatic oils. This pressure ensures that water flows evenly through the coffee grounds, maximizing the extraction of soluble compounds. The result is a balanced and flavorful espresso shot that captures the essence of the coffee beans.
  2. Consistent Flavor: With 15 bars of pressure, the brewing process is stable and predictable, leading to consistent results. This consistency is crucial for both home brewers and professional baristas who want to deliver a reliable espresso experience every time. The right amount of pressure helps avoid over-extraction, which can make the espresso bitter, and under-extraction, which can leave it sour and weak.
  3. Rich Crema Production: Crema, the golden-brown foam that sits atop a well-pulled espresso shot, is a sign of quality. A 15 bar machine excels at producing a thick and creamy crema, which not only looks appealing but also enhances the espresso’s texture and mouthfeel. This crema results from the emulsification of coffee oils and air, a process that 15 bars of pressure handle effectively.

The Case for 20 Bar Machines

20 bar espresso machines represent a leap in technology and promise improved extraction capabilities. Let’s examine what sets these machines apart and why some coffee aficionados argue that they produce superior espresso.

20 Bar Espresso Machines
Credits to Medjan
  1. Advanced Technology: 20 bar machines are often equipped with the latest advancements in espresso technology. These machines typically feature high-quality pumps and precise pressure control mechanisms that ensure consistent and optimal performance. The ability to maintain higher pressure levels can be especially beneficial for those looking to experiment with different brewing techniques and coffee profiles.
  2. Enhanced Extraction: The higher pressure in 20 bar machines allows for a more thorough extraction of the coffee grounds. This means that more of the coffee’s aromatic oils, acids, and other soluble compounds are extracted, potentially resulting in a more complex and flavorful espresso. The increased pressure can help achieve a richer, more intense shot with deeper flavor notes.
  3. Versatility: 20 bar machines offer greater flexibility for coffee enthusiasts who want to tailor their espresso to their taste preferences. The higher pressure range can be adjusted to suit different types of coffee beans and roast levels, allowing for a customized brewing experience. This versatility makes 20 bar machines appealing to those who enjoy experimenting with their coffee.
  4. Improved Crema: Higher pressure can also enhance crema production, creating a thicker, more velvety layer of foam on top of the espresso shot. This crema not only adds to the visual appeal of the espresso but also contributes to its overall texture and flavor.

Benefits of 20 Bar Pressure

Using a 20 bar espresso machine can elevate your coffee experience, offering potential enhancements in flavor, aroma, and texture. Let’s explore the specific benefits that come with higher pressure machines.

  1. Richer Flavor Profiles: The increased pressure in a 20 bar machine allows for a more comprehensive extraction of the coffee grounds. This means capturing a wider range of flavors, resulting in a richer and more complex espresso. The higher pressure can extract deeper flavor notes, providing a fuller-bodied and more robust taste that coffee connoisseurs appreciate.
  2. Enhanced Aroma: Aroma plays a significant role in the overall coffee experience. A 20 bar machine can extract more aromatic compounds, leading to a more pronounced and enticing coffee aroma. This enhanced aroma not only makes the espresso more enjoyable to drink but also adds to the sensory pleasure of brewing and serving a high-quality shot.
  3. Improved Texture and Crema: One of the most noticeable benefits of higher pressure is the improvement in texture and crema production. A 20 bar machine can create a thicker, more velvety crema, which is the hallmark of a well-extracted espresso. This rich crema adds a luxurious mouthfeel and enhances the overall texture of the espresso, making each sip smoother and more satisfying.
  4. Greater Flexibility and Control: With the ability to generate higher pressure, 20 bar machines offer more flexibility in brewing. This allows coffee enthusiasts to experiment with different grind sizes, tamping pressures, and coffee types to achieve their desired flavor profile. The additional pressure can help fine-tune the extraction process, providing more control over the final outcome.

Comparative Analysis: 20 Bar vs. 15 Bar

When comparing 15 bar and 20 bar espresso machines, several factors come into play, including taste, crema, extraction speed, and consistency. Here’s a side-by-side analysis to help you understand the differences and make an informed choice.

Does 20 bar pressure beat 15 bar in espresso machines?


  • 15 Bar Machines: These machines provide a balanced extraction that is well-suited for most coffee enthusiasts. The flavor profile is typically rich and full-bodied, with a good balance of sweetness, acidity, and bitterness. The standard pressure ensures a consistent and reliable taste, making it a popular choice for both home and commercial use.
  • 20 Bar Machines: With higher pressure, 20 bar machines have the potential to extract more complex flavors. This can result in a richer, more nuanced espresso with deeper flavor notes. The ability to extract more aromatic oils and soluble compounds can enhance the overall taste, offering a more sophisticated espresso experience for those who appreciate intricate flavor profiles.
Taste of espresso in 20 Bar Beat 15 Bar
Credits to Bean Ground


  • 15 Bar Machines: These machines are capable of producing a thick and creamy crema, which is a sign of well-extracted espresso. The crema is generally smooth and consistent, adding to the overall quality and mouthfeel of the shot.
  • 20 Bar Machines: The increased pressure in 20 bar machines often results in an even thicker and more velvety crema. This enhanced crema not only looks appealing but also contributes to a richer texture and flavor, making each sip more luxurious.
Understanding 20 Bar Beat 15 Bar Espresso Crema
Credits to long & short

Extraction Speed

  • 15 Bar Machines: The extraction process in 15 bar machines is efficient and typically takes around 25-30 seconds for a standard shot of espresso. The pressure is sufficient to ensure a steady flow of water through the coffee grounds, leading to a consistent extraction time.
  • 20 Bar Machines: While the higher pressure can speed up the extraction process slightly, the difference in speed is not substantial. The key advantage lies in the ability to fine-tune the extraction process, allowing for greater precision and control over the brewing time and resulting flavor.


  • 15 Bar Machines: Known for their reliability, 15 bar machines offer consistent results with each brew. The standard pressure range is ideal for most coffee types and ensures a uniform extraction, making it easier to achieve a great shot every time.
  • 20 Bar Machines: While 20 bar machines can provide excellent consistency, they require more precision and attention to detail. The higher pressure offers more flexibility, but it also means that slight variations in grind size, tamping pressure, or coffee quality can have a more significant impact on the final result. For those who are meticulous about their coffee-making process, this can be an advantage, but it may require a bit more skill and experience.
Consistency of 20 bar vs 15 bar espresso machine
Credits to Villa delle Querce

User Experiences and Testimonials

User experiences and expert opinions provide valuable insights into the performance and preferences between 15 bar and 20 bar espresso machines. Here’s what users and experts have to say about these machines:

User Reviews:

  1. Sarah M. – Home Barista
    • 15 Bar Machine: “I’ve been using my 15 bar espresso machine for years, and it never disappoints. The espresso shots are consistently good, with a nice balance of flavors. It’s easy to use and perfect for my daily coffee routine.”
    • 20 Bar Machine: “I recently upgraded to a 20 bar machine, and the difference is noticeable. The flavors are more pronounced, and the crema is richer. It took a bit of practice to get the settings right, but it’s worth it for the quality.”
  2. John D. – Coffee Enthusiast
    • 15 Bar Machine: “My 15 bar machine is great for everyday use. It’s reliable and produces a solid shot of espresso every time. It’s straightforward and doesn’t require much tweaking.”
    • 20 Bar Machine: “I enjoy experimenting with my 20 bar machine. The higher pressure allows me to explore different coffee profiles, and the results are impressive. It does require more attention to detail, but the payoff is a more complex and flavorful espresso.”

Expert Opinions:

  1. Emma T. – Professional Barista
    • 15 Bar Machine: “For most cafes and home users, a 15 bar machine is more than adequate. It provides the right amount of pressure for a well-balanced extraction, and it’s user-friendly. The consistency and reliability make it a popular choice.”
    • 20 Bar Machine: “20 bar machines offer more flexibility and control, which is ideal for those who want to push the boundaries of espresso making. The enhanced extraction capabilities can result in a richer, more nuanced shot, but it does require more skill and precision.”
  2. Mark L. – Coffee Shop Owner
    • 15 Bar Machine: “We use 15 bar machines in our shop because they are dependable and produce excellent espresso. They handle high volumes well and deliver consistent quality, which is crucial for our business.”
    • 20 Bar Machine: “I have a 20 bar machine at home, and I love the ability to fine-tune my shots. The higher pressure allows for more experimentation with different beans and brewing techniques. It’s a great choice for coffee enthusiasts who enjoy the art of espresso making.”

Technical Considerations

When choosing between a 15 bar and a 20 bar espresso machine, it’s essential to consider the technical differences, including pump types, durability, and maintenance needs. Here’s a detailed look at these aspects to help you make an informed decision.

Pump Types

  • 15 Bar Machines: Typically, 15 bar machines use vibration pumps, which are common in home and semi-commercial espresso machines. Vibration pumps are compact, cost-effective, and provide reliable pressure. They operate by rapidly vibrating to push water through the coffee grounds. While they may be slightly noisier, they are sufficient for achieving the necessary pressure for a good espresso extraction.
  • 20 Bar Machines: Higher-end 20 bar machines often utilize rotary pumps. Rotary pumps are larger, quieter, and provide more consistent pressure than vibration pumps. They are commonly found in commercial-grade machines and high-end home models. Rotary pumps can handle continuous use better and offer smoother operation, making them ideal for those who brew espresso frequently or in larger quantities.


  • 15 Bar Machines: Generally, 15 bar machines are built with durable materials suitable for regular home use. They are designed to withstand daily brewing without significant wear and tear. However, the lifespan of these machines can vary depending on the brand, model, and frequency of use. Regular maintenance is essential to ensure longevity.
  • 20 Bar Machines: 20 bar machines are often constructed with higher-quality components and materials, contributing to their increased durability. These machines are built to endure more intensive use and are often found in professional settings. The robust construction and advanced technology can result in a longer lifespan, provided they are maintained properly.

Maintenance Needs

  • 15 Bar Machines: Maintenance for 15 bar machines is relatively straightforward. Regular cleaning of the group head, portafilter, and steam wand is necessary to prevent build-up and ensure optimal performance. Descaling the machine periodically is also crucial to remove mineral deposits and maintain the pump’s efficiency. Many 15 bar machines come with user-friendly maintenance features and instructions.
  • 20 Bar Machines: While 20 bar machines also require regular cleaning and descaling, their advanced components may necessitate more specialized maintenance. Rotary pumps, for example, might need professional servicing over time to maintain peak performance. The increased complexity of these machines means that some maintenance tasks might be more involved, but they often come with comprehensive guides and support from manufacturers.

Conclusion: Which is Better?

Choosing between a 15 bar and 20 bar espresso machine ultimately depends on your specific needs, preferences, and coffee-drinking habits. Both types of machines have their unique advantages, and understanding these can help you make an informed decision.

For the Average Coffee Drinker:

  • 15 Bar Machines: These machines are ideal for most home users and casual coffee drinkers. They provide reliable performance, are easier to use and maintain, and produce consistently good espresso. If you’re looking for a straightforward, dependable machine that delivers quality shots without much fuss, a 15 bar machine is a solid choice.

For the Enthusiast or Professional:

  • 20 Bar Machines: If you’re a coffee enthusiast or a professional barista who enjoys experimenting with different coffee profiles and brewing techniques, a 20 bar machine might be more suited to your needs. The higher pressure allows for greater control and extraction capabilities, resulting in richer, more complex flavors. However, these machines often require more maintenance and a higher level of skill to operate effectively.

Situational Considerations:

  • Home Use: For most home environments, a 15 bar machine provides the perfect balance of performance, ease of use, and maintenance. They are typically more affordable and compact, making them suitable for everyday use without taking up too much space.
  • Commercial or High-Volume Use: In a commercial setting or for those who brew large quantities of espresso, a 20 bar machine’s durability and advanced features can be a significant advantage. The ability to handle continuous use and provide consistent high-quality shots makes them well-suited for cafes and professional kitchens.

In summary, the decision between a 15 bar and a 20 bar espresso machine comes down to your personal preferences and intended use. A 15 bar machine is perfect for most home users seeking reliability and ease of use, while a 20 bar machine offers enhanced capabilities for those willing to invest in more advanced equipment and maintenance. Understanding your coffee habits and what you value most in your espresso experience will guide you to the right choice.

Recommendations for Buyers

Choosing the right espresso machine can be daunting, but with some practical advice tailored to your needs, budget, and coffee-making preferences, you can make an informed decision. Here are some recommendations to help you find the perfect machine.

For Budget-Conscious Buyers:

  • 15 Bar Machines: If you’re on a budget, a 15 bar machine is an excellent choice. These machines are generally more affordable and provide reliable performance for daily use. Look for reputable brands that offer good warranties and customer support. Even within the 15 bar range, you can find models with various features such as programmable settings and steam wands for frothing milk.

For Coffee Enthusiasts:

  • 20 Bar Machines: If you’re passionate about coffee and enjoy experimenting with different brewing techniques, investing in a 20 bar machine could be worthwhile. These machines offer greater control over the extraction process, allowing you to fine-tune your espresso shots to your liking. Consider models with adjustable pressure settings, high-quality grinders, and advanced temperature controls to enhance your coffee-making experience.

For Small Kitchens:

  • Compact 15 Bar Machines: Space can be a constraint in small kitchens, but there are compact 15 bar machines that deliver excellent performance without taking up too much room. Look for slim designs that still offer the essential features you need for making great espresso.

For Professional Use:

  • Commercial-Grade 20 Bar Machines: In a professional setting, such as a café or restaurant, a commercial-grade 20 bar machine is a must. These machines are built to handle high volumes and provide consistent quality. Features to look for include dual boilers for simultaneous brewing and steaming, robust build quality, and easy maintenance access.

For Busy Mornings:

  • User-Friendly 15 Bar Machines: If convenience is your top priority, opt for a 15 bar machine with automated features. Models with one-touch operation, programmable settings, and easy-to-clean components can make your morning coffee routine quick and hassle-free.

For Milk-Based Drink Lovers:

  • Machines with Advanced Steam Wands: Whether you choose a 15 bar or 20 bar machine, if you love lattes and cappuccinos, make sure your machine has a high-quality steam wand. Some 15 bar machines offer excellent frothing capabilities, but if you’re looking for more control and texture, a 20 bar machine might be more suitable.

Final Tips:

  1. Research and Reviews: Read user reviews and expert opinions to get a sense of the machine’s performance and reliability. Real-world feedback can provide valuable insights into how the machine operates in daily use.
  2. Warranty and Support: Ensure the machine comes with a good warranty and access to customer support. This can save you a lot of trouble in case of any issues.
  3. Maintenance: Consider the maintenance requirements of the machine. Some models are easier to clean and maintain than others, which can be a crucial factor for long-term satisfaction.

Disclosure: Our blog contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. We try our best to keep things fair and balanced, in order to help you make the best choice for you.

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